Oakwood Lady Niners
Sun Lakes, Arizona

Let's Play
Current members may now begin to renew for 2025. Members will renew on the AGA website.
Please note: Members who belong to more than one league should only renew for one league on the same day. Please do not renew for more than one league on the same day.
This link is a direct link to renew for OLNGA.
You will need your GHIN number. If you do not know it, the process will allow you to search for it. You can follow the directions on the site, but here is a summary of the steps.
Select the link above
Enter your GHIN number
Verify your personal information - update fields as appropriate
Review your charges - you will see a discount for online registration (we do not have a promo code, ignore this)
If you register for multiple leagues, the system will automatically apply the multi-league discount to the second renewal.
Enter payment information
You will receive an email confirmation for your receipt.
Renewal Deadline: 12/15/2024
Cost: $95
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