Oakwood Lady Niners

Sun Lakes, Arizona

son 1 hole
Let's Play


New Member Eligibility

  • We welcome women of any skill level.
  • Any resident of IronOaks is eligible to join.
  • Women living outside of IronOaks must be 55 years old or older. Non-residents must pay greens fees each time they play. Punch cards are not available for non-residents.

New members will join through the AGA website using the link and instructions below.

After joining, new members will be contacted for a new member orientation.

League Membership Costs

New members joining between 10/1/24 and 12/31/24 - $100

New members joining between 01/01/2025-06/30/2025 - $95

New members joining after 07/01/2025 - $55

Instructions for New Member Registration

Select the Join Here link below.

The first question is: Do you now or have you ever had a Handicap ID or a GHIN number (any state)?

There are three options for this question:

  • Yes, and I know what it is - if you select this option the next step is to enter your GHIN number.
  • I don't know if I have had one or don't remember what it is - if you select this option you will be able to search the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) for your number.
  • No, I have never had one - this will create a new record and a GHIN number - only use this option if you know you have never had a GHIN number before.

If you already have a GHIN number:

  • Enter your GHIN number
  • Verify you personal information - update as appropriate
  • Review your charges
  • Submit payment details
  • You will receive an email confirmation
  • OLNGA will also received an email confirmation and will contact you for your orientation

If you are creating a new account and GHIN number:

  • Enter your personal information 
  • Once the system creates your GHIN Number, review your personal information
  • Review your charges
  • Submit payment details
  • You will receive an email confirmation
  • OLNGA will also received an email confirmation and will contact you for your orientation
  • Your handicap will be established once you enter 5 9-hole scores. A new member may post these scores themselves or the OLNGA membership chair can enter these scores.

Use this link to begin your registration.

Join Here




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on tee